Welcome  to the Motor Museum in Miniature.

A unique display of model road and race cars.

   Feel free to stroll through our halls and enjoy the world of motor cars, motor racing and building model cars.

 The Motor Museum in Miniature

   As you move through the museum you will find many fine models, scratchbuilt and highly detailed. But you will also come across models that may not appear as impressive. This is for two very good reasons.

   Firstly some of the models are very old now and reflect the level of knowledge and equipment available to the modeller at that time. Modelling supplies have come a long way from the era of tube glue and brushed on enamel paints. Part of the museum's philosophy is to show how much things have changed in the modelling world as well as in the motoring world, so some of our exhibits remain as they were first built, period pieces, a testament to the modelling technology of the time. 

   Secondly we want all our visitors to know that we didn't start off with some natural talent to deliver high quality model cars, we had to start as novices and learn just like everyone else. We are not afraid to show you our "lesser" models, or admit our mistakes, because we want you to feel encouraged to keep trying. It's easy to say 'if I can do it, so can you', but there was a time when we both looked at other peoples models and said 'I could never do that'.

   Well we did do it, and so can you. Of course we still make mistakes and we are never totally happy with a model, but that is the spur that keeps us all trying that bit harder with the next model we build.

   A word of warning though, when the drive for 100% accuracy and perfection start taking the fun out of modelling, take a step back and have a good think about things. We start making models we like for the pleasure they give us, it is a hobby for most of us and it's our standards we should measure ourselves against. As long as you're happy with your model if somebody else comes along and enjoys it too, that's an additional bonus.

   Enjoy your modelling,     Rod and Ian

New for March 2025

Added to the sports and touring car collection this month is a rare car indeed. In the world of motor racing, Argentina is best known for it's great racing drivers, Fangio and Reutemann to name but two. But Argentina also make cars and one in particular gave the European Sports-Touring car fraternity a serious wake-up call in 1969. Not only successful on the track the IKA Torinos are today highly sort after road cars. If you want to know why, and who wouldn't, then click on the photo for the story, more photos and information on Argentina's national car.

The second of this months new vehicles added to the website is the Citroen C4 Fourgonette van, by Heller. The kit has been around for a very long time, and this particular model was originally built in the early 1980s. Things didn't go well for this particular model. To find out more about the vehicle, and the model's own story; click on the picture.

1969 IKA Torino

   IKA's first Argentinian national product was something special indeed. Over the years it would evolve and become more and more an Argentine product with fewer and fewer imported parts. The Torino is an iconic car, an Argentine Classic and it was "a dark year for car enthusiasts in Argentina" when it was dropped by Renault in 1982.

1928 Citroen C4 fourgonette

   In 1919 Citroën launched its small utility vehicles on the B14 chassis. Generally well accepted these were improved upon each year to create a steady bedrock for the idea of a commercial vehicle range. As the B14 aged gracefully the time came for a new Citroën passenger car. The Citroën C4 family car range was unveiled at the 1928 Paris motor show. Over the next four years around 120,000 C4 cars were produced across several passenger body styles and, once again, light utility versions.    

 Follow our current projects on FaceBook, the motor museum in miniature is waiting to show you what we are up to. Watch us going through the build processes, warts and all, till the finished article makes the step up to this site.