Meet Rod and Ian.
The museum is the work of father and son, Rodney and Ian Knott.

Rod has been making model cars since the 1950s so some of the museums model cars are older than Ian.
Although his first cars were from the Merit racing car range Rod's main interest is road cars. From the cars we drive to work everyday to the supercars and luxury limo's most of us can only dream about.
Rod will often scratch build models and displays for the museum, Both the Renault A Type above and the NSU Daimler were scratchbuilt by Rod.
You can see more of Rod's models by visiting Hall One.
Ian started making models as a child, initially making 'planes but eventually growing into cars. He grew up watching motor racing on TV and now makes competition cars, primarily Grand Prix cars, showing the history of motor racing from the first city to city racers up to the latest Formula One machines.
You can see more of Ian's race cars by visiting Hall Three.
Ian also has a strong interest in Graham Hill and is building a collection of the cars raced by Graham in all disciplines of motor sport.
You can see the cars by Visiting the Graham Hill collection.
On the left is Ian's scratch built Voisin C6 Laboratoire. The worlds first monoqocue race car, and example of the museums love of history.
Both Rod and Ian have won numerous awards for their models. Below are some of the awards, ranging from class wins and best of show's, special awards and class wins at the I.P.M.S. UK Nationals (now called scale model world) the largest model show in the world.
Rod and Ian have both won the wells trophy at I.P.M.S. Avon model show three times. The Wells Trophy is presented to the best civilian vehicle in the show.
Above are Ians Best of Show awards while on the right are some of Rods awards.

While it is always gratifying to be recognised for our model making, it is the conversations with friends and the opportunity to help fellow car modellers, and learn from them in turn, that keeps us coming back to the shows.
Where it all began. Rod's collection of Merit racing cars, the red Alfa Romeo (no. 2) was his very first model car.
Rod's models show the history and development of automotive transport from it's earliest roots, through motoring's technological advances, to the computer managed cars of today.
Ian converted this 1903 de Dietrich from the Airfix 1/32nd scale kit. The new body parts were scratch built and other details have also been added.
Below is a 1/24th scale 2005 Ferrari which came from the Revell kit.