The origins of the Plymouth name go back to 1928 when Joseph Frazer, Chryslers Sales Manager, suggested Plymouth as the name for Chrysler’s low-price car range to Walter Chrysler. The name referred to the historical Plymouth Rock where the Pilgrim Fathers first set foot on American soil.
Right from the start the Plymouth car range was a success, being sold alongside the more expensive models through Chrysler dealers, and by 1930 Plymouth cars were also available from Dodge and DeSoto agents.
Although Plymouth cars were more expensive than rival Ford and Chevrolet models, Plymouth offered more for the money, for example, an all steel body and hydraulic brakes.
By 1933 Plymouths market share had increased considerably, particularly after the introduction of a six-cylinder engine in 1933. By 1940, the year Walter Chrysler died, annual production of Plymouth cars had reached 500,000 units.
The 1941 Plymouth Coupe is an excellent example of the Chrysler Corporation’s emphasis on low-price luxury, with its superior ride and smooth running six-cylinder engine.

1/25th scale kit.
Built by Rod.
Rod built this model late in 1997. He had well and truly moved into the world of Halfords spray car paints for the body finish and was prety much on top of bare metal foil application too. On the interior Rod has now started using washes and dry brushing techniques to give seats and panels more 'life'.
We think you'll agre this model really captures the essence of American cars in this era.