Porsche never had a formal education as an engineer bute he secured work with Lohner in Austria before moving on to gain experience with Austro-Daimler , Steyr, Zundapp, and NSU.
In 1934 he designed the ‘Peoples Car’ but Porsche did not limit his talents to the Volkswagen project . He developed the V-16 engined AutoUnion race car and during WWII His war effort included designing the Tiger tank.
Porsche spent the war years in Stuttgart, at his own design studio which he had set up in 1930, and was arrested by the Americans in 1945, then handed over to the French. He was imprisoned for two years. But the Italian company Cisitalia paid the French authorities one million francs in return for Porsche designing the Cisitalia GP car thus securing his release in August 1947.
The decision to build sports cars which would be Porsches in their own right was taken in 1947 and the first was called project 356. This car was replaced by the 911 series in the early 1960s. The 25 anniversary of the 911’s launch fell in 1988 and the company designed a special version of the 911 for the next season racing events. A 4-wheel drive version of the 911, designated the Carrera 4, took to the tracks and to the roads. It has a 3.6ltr flat-6 engine producing 250 bhp. Most striking feature is the automatic rear wing that moves up at 50 mph & retracts as speed drops below 5 mph.

1/24th scale kit.
Built by Rod.
This model was built in early 1998. Fujimi usually produce good kits and this model was built straight out of the box.
The body finish is from the Halfords acrylic car paints range. The interior colours are by Humbrol and Citadel acrylic paints, inks and washes. Washing with inks then dry brushing with light shades helps to give things like seats and door cards a 3d look, simulating light and shade or helping give a more real, used, look.